单词 shoe with 例句大全,用单词shoe with造句:

CHYNBAR is interested in cooperation with companies specialized on leather manufacturing and shoe making.
As the development of shoemaking industry, with adhesive to the shoe demand can increase ceaselessly more.
随着制鞋工业的发展, 对鞋用胶粘剂需求量更会不断地增加。
Drill cement with seawater and then displace the new mud into the hole as drilling out of the casing shoe.
用海水钻水泥塞, 钻到套管鞋时替入泥浆。
Norton drops his cigarette. Crushes it out with the toe of his shoe. Glances up toward the plate shop roof as
Also rise with respect to thenceforth, shoe culture of filar silk continuously in revealing the life at people.
也就从那时起, 鞋文化便丝丝缕缕的流露于人们的生活中。
with an old nylon sock in the shoe brush, the dip shoe polish cleaning shoes, polished leather shoes can particularly bright.
中, 浸鞋油擦皮鞋, 皮鞋抛光可特别明亮。
If your heel is worn more on the outside, you 're an underpronator, which means you ought to wear a shoe with more cushioning.
Wash a shoe with the machine that wash a shoe ameliorable shoe old appearance, the light when making old shoe restores new shoe is collected.
Two methods of rail vibration reduction are introduced, with one employing the rail vibration absorber fastenings and the other using the elastic shoe monolithic track bed.
Bell always had a bag ready to go, complete with bath plugs, shoe laces and, surprisingly, lucky charms--a water snake skin and a crocodile tooth, sent to him by television viewers.
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单词 shoe with 释义

  • 单词释义:用…做鞋,用…钉蹄铁  [更多..]



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