单词 short stay 例句大全,用单词short stay造句:

Your stay has been very short.
We made a short stay in Beijing last week.
He cut short by one day his stay in Baghdad.
I drew the short straw and had to stay late.
我摊上苦差事, 晚上得熬夜了。
Ed is back from a short stay with his uncle.
爱德在叔叔家呆了不多久, 现在回来了。
To cut a long story short, I decided to stay.
A flock of wild geese landed by the lake for a short stay.
Our camp is well stocked with everything we need for a short stay.
Mr. Dong has returned to Hong Kong after his short stay in Beijing.
Last April, I went for a short stay at the Conghua Warm Springs in Guangdong.
今年四月, 我到广东从化温泉小住了几天。
The footpath of the happiness is too short all the time. Could we bilk to stay
幸福的步道, 总是那么短, 我们可不可以赖着不走?
My boyfriend has a short temper and it’s making me wonder if we can stay together.
Performance of skid resistance of stay cables for cable stayed bridge with short pylon.
Performance Study of Skid Resistance of Stay Cables for Cablestayed Bridge with Short Pylon
Accustomed to black and white reversed, nocturnal, like a wandering ghost, or a short stay.
a short spar projecting from the deck of a ship,used to extend a sail or secure a block or stay
After a short stay in Switzerland, the family moved to the United States, settling in the hamlet of Cavendish, Vt.
在他乘机前往法兰克福时, 他身上穿戴着这两件衣物。
Such a short period of his stay in Sichuan saw fruitful academic results, and his lectures brought about very great effects.
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