单词 shoulder off 例句大全,用单词shoulder off造句:

You gotta take that chip off your shoulder.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out.
她从马上摔下来, 肩膀脱臼了。
And that means a tremendous burden off of one's shoulder.
You could dislocate my shoulder, or shave off my eyebrows
Now he took off the blazer and slung it over his shoulder.
He put his hand on her shoulder,but she threw it off angrily.
I gave him a dirty look, and he took his arm off my shoulder.
我朝他皱了眉头, 他连忙抽回了搭在我肩上的手臂。
The thief grabbed the shoulder bag from the woman and ran off.
But it fell on the left shoulder, cutting off half the helmet.
但是这一剑落在左肩上, 切掉了半边头盔。
He put his hand on her shoulder, but she tossed it off angrily.
Hair must be shoulder length, longer, or completely shaved off.
头发至少要留到齐肩, 或者更长, 或者光头。
You need to blow off some steam. The world is not on your shoulder.
Struck the wasp from his shoulder struck off the diseased branch with a machete.
Four feet off the ground instead of Ta Kong, a shoulder plow instead of dressing.
The boat hit me on the shoulder while I was trying to push off the bottom of the boat.
His left leg was cut off above the knee and he walked with a crutch under his left shoulder.
他左腿从膝盖处锯掉, 左肩下拄着一根拐杖。
Father had gone off to care for sick people, and Mother sat on my cot with her arm around my shoulder.
He hitched his pack farther over on his left shoulder, so as to take a portion of its weight from off the injured ankle.
他把背包向左肩挪了挪, 以减轻扭伤的脚腕子的负担。
Some crazy old man with severe road rage tried to tailgate me today. I got tired of him following me, so I pulled over onto the shoulder and got out of my car. When he saw I was a big dude, he went back into his car without saying a word and sped off *smh*
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