单词 shout about 例句大全,用单词shout about造句:

You have to shout about the noise to get their attention.
He won the first prize, but it is nothing to shout about.
他得了一等将, 不过没什么值得赞誉。
It's nothing to shout about. It's a piece of cake for you.
Then he drank some whiskey and began to shout about the government.
然后他喝了些威士忌酒, 开始大骂起政府。
The hussars thronged about him and responded by a loud shout in unison.
骠骑兵们都聚集起来, 一齐用洪亮的喊声回报。
Why was it that they could never shout like that about anything that mattered ?
为什么那些要紧的事情, 她们却从来不会这样吼?
I heard them shout and then saw about a hundred little arrows flying towards me.
我听到他们喊叫, 接着看到大约一百多支小箭向我射来。
I appreciate your remarks, but I honestly don't think it was anything to shout about.
Anyhow, the Dutchman gave a shout, he jumped about two feet into the air and whipped out a revolver.
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单词 shout about 释义



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