单词 show piece 例句大全,用单词show piece造句:

and roll into a show blues piece.
I need your piece on the auto show, Lois.
我需要你那篇车展的报道, 露易斯。
The show must go on i wanna have my piece of cake.
演出必须继续, 我想拿到我的那份蛋糕。
Sure It's a piece of cake. I'll show you how after lunch.
Just show the clerk piece of paper with my name written on it.
Just show the clerk a piece of paper with my name written on it.
把我得名字写在纸上, 再把这张纸给他看就行了。
Continue to show up for your piece of it, whatever that might be.
Purple tulips show a piece of everlasting love, just as mine to you.
紫郁金香, 代表永恒不变的爱。正如我对你的爱一样。
And I'm going to show you a sample of the piece, From Conception to Birth.
我这就给大家看这研究的一个样片 从受孕至出生
This piece of furniture does not show the slightest signs of having been used.
These porcelains show piece blossom look so real that you are tempt to smell them.
这些瓷器花展品看起来像真的一样, 让你禁不住要去闻它们。
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