单词 shut to 例句大全,用单词shut to造句:

Eyes slowly begin to shut, the canthus slides elapse a drop of radiant tears.
眼睛慢慢的闭起, 眼角滑过一滴晶莹的泪。
You have no right to shut your eyes to any of it, nor any right to change it.
对任何事物你都无权闭眼不看, 无权改动。
But often the fire sale cannot be arranged, and the company has to be shut down.
但如果无法安排廉价出售, 公司就不得不关门大吉。
All we need is a sound legal basis for the Sheriff's Department to shut'em down.
With an effort, he was bale to shut in whatever swords he had been about to say.
The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.
Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola is ready to shut the door on anymore signings this summer.
The steam was shut off, and the Abraham Lincoln, beating to port, described a semicircle.
汽门立刻被关掉了, 林肯号从左舷转了一百八十度。
Uses the AbortSystemShutdown API to hinder attempts to shut down or restart the computer.
A lock attached to the sashes of a double hung window that can fix both in the shut position.
He then shut the door, and, coming up to her, claimed the good wishes and affection of a sister.
他于是关上了门, 走到她跟前, 让她亲切地祝贺姐夫。
Rotate handwheel from full OPEN to full SHUT positions several times to assure proper operation.
Wireless Link is transferring files. Do you want to abort the transfer and shut down the machine.
To shut it off you have to hit the little artificial moles with a hammer as they pop up at random.
Her mother shut her in her room, and did not allow her to come out until she admitted her mistakes.
妈妈罚她闭门思过, 想明白了才能出门。
Empty of lienal kidney all, break its to shut Tibetan all to photograph, reason sees pregnancy bleeds.
Shut the Small Thermal Power Set to Realize the Structural Adjustment of Shanxi Electric Power Industry
Ashamed of drinking! The tippler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.
惭愧自己喝酒!酒鬼不再说话, 陷入了深深的沉默。
Its an attempt to shut down smuggling networks that the US believes are supplying weapons to militant groups.
Shut eye to turn eyeball law Turn 6 times by suitable hour hand first, press anticlockwise roll 6 times again.
闭目转眼球法先按顺时针转动6次, 再按逆时针转动6次。
In addition, the inscription on precipices in Ming dynasty also add somewhat majesty to the ancient shut fortress.
Operation of the process, often automatically shut down, to the underground construction with the wind inconvenience.
运转过程中, 频繁自动停机, 给井下施工用风带来不便。
However, it was only then that I remembered I had to collect my Indiana Jones photo before the Universal Studios store shut.
Near the end of October, 1999, Nissan, Japan's second largest carmaker, announced that it would shut five plants, cut ties to hundreds of suppliers, and - gasp! - let go of 21,000 workers.
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