单词 side drive 例句大全,用单词side drive造句:

but in England we drive on the left side.
In England and Australia, however, drive on side of the road.
然而, 在英国和澳大利亚, 司机是靠左行驶的。
Optical disc drive, located on the left hand side of the keyboard.
Analysis of variations of tensile force and sag of loose side of drive chain
Install the ball head into the ball socket from the side and secure the drive motor.
Outlet positions for centrifugal fans and rotation directions viewed from drive side.
Kinematic Analysis of Technique of Backhand Loop Drive with the Reverse Side of the Penhold Racket in Table Tennis
Ranae Okay, then turn left on 3rd Street and drive east.The Pink Flamingo is the building just before the river on the left side.
热纳到三街向左转, 再向东走, 该饭店就在河边的左侧。
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