单词 side door 例句大全,用单词side door造句:

Plants were arranged on either side of the path, and clustered about the door.
During the afternoon, Winston left the Admiralty building through a side door.
The bathroom door was rotting away and down the side of the toilet were faeces.
Dont wait moxa benefit prologues, she visited an eye side of door a path afresh.
Her shoe and my shoe always is put on the crural mat of door mouth side by side.
After a minute or two we heard someone on the other side of the door. A low gasp.
Side door should be strict at this time, water cooling, to be assistance for help.
Keep walking straight until you arrive at the east side, and you will see the door.
He trotted to the door, saw it was cocked open, and positioned himself to one side.
As his car passed, one child appeared, and a brick samshed into the Jags side door.
The protagonist of the system is installed in the side door reader or keyboard password.
The control layer has a side door which can be demounted, for inspection or wire repair.
控制层有侧门可以卸下, 以备检查或修理线时用。
Suggestions on Avoiding Loss of Bottom Door Lock Pins of Side Opening Doors on Gondola Cars
The monkey was on the other side of the door, looking at the professor through the keyhole.
猴子在门得另一面, 正从锁眼里看教授呢。
A Correlation Analysis Between Door Trim and Occupant Injury Criteria in Vehicle Side Impact
Numerical dynamic response analysis on the rear side door of a car subjected to the side impact
So he runs up to a side, lets this bull pass through the pasture, runs to the cowshed back door.
于是, 他跑到一边, 让这头牛穿过牧场, 跑向牛栏的后门。
Ramesses ii constructed the first courtyard, to have the statue front door and the side steeple.
The cars of we reach side door, class on duty for the day to give birth to and wait for already.
我们得车到达侧门时, 班里得值日生已经等在那里了。
Intelligent iciness column This is one kind does not have freezer of ringent of the door, two side.
智能冰冷柱这是一种没有门, 两侧开口的冰箱。
The drunk looks at the bartender for a moment angrily, curses, and shows himself out the side door.
The front and side walls were bucked inward several inches, and the door in the front was broken off.
屋前以及两侧墙壁向内凹进数寸, 前门被刮掉。
Relation between the passenger compartment side doors space of metro train and the station shield door
I quickly opened the drivers side door, crumbled inside and kneeled in the front facing the back seat.
It seemed to be merely an ordinary farmyard, with one big red lantern hanging on each side of the door.
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单词 side door 释义

  • 单词释义:侧门,边门;旁门;便门  [更多..]



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