单词 press work 例句大全,用单词press work造句:

Will the clicker work when I press it?
Press the button, then the machine will work.
They wanted us to press forward with the work.
The peasants were eager to press forward with their work.
Let us press on with our work, even if it is dull and weary.
尽管这项工作枯燥乏味, 我们还是干下去吧。
Brief on Correlation Between Work of Strokes of Press with Variable Speed
The installation of an offset printing press and debugging work is also important.
Scrape the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and press it down to flatten.
Measure to equip to press with work the head cut over automatically, reducing the artificial vibration.
Dragging seems to work fine, but some of the button presses arent recognized unless you press really hard.
拖放操作很正常, 但有些按钮需要用力按才能被识别。
To do the removal work well of villages that press coal deposit and promote esustaining development of mine
The clerk who generally went happened to be ill, and a press of work prevented any of the others from getting away.
那位过去常去的职员碰巧生病了, 别的人又忙得都抽不开身。
The Bristol shop buzzed with the work of painters, press molders and a gent known as the mouth-and-beak-replacement coordinator.
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