单词 process key 例句大全,用单词process key造句:

This paper has described several key issues of the flexible auto machining process and its programming.
As the key links of production process of mains frequency induction electric furnaces for melting zinc.
The key point for enhancing knitting yarn quality is controlling cotton as sorting and spinning process.
Gets or sets the key that is used to encrypt and decrypt data, or the process by which the key is generated.
获取或设置用来加密和解密数据的密钥, 或生成密钥的过程。
As a result of the indentation is made of cardboard cutting manufacturing process for one of the key process.
Nitrogen turnover from grazing livestock excreta is the key process in the nitrogen cycle of pasture ecosystems.
The new process of chlorohydrination in tubular reactor is the key procedure in the production of propylene oxide.
The private key system is also called the single key system, its encryption process is the same as its decryption process.
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now identified one of the enzymes that hold the key to the ageing process.
The key technique of the new process of tannin extraction from black wattle bark is to divide the extraction into two steps.
Kbrequest The process will be executed when init receives a signal from the keyboard handler that a special key combination was pressed on the console keyboard.
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