单词 process flow 例句大全,用单词process flow造句:

In this paper through the analysis of the quill, the stamping process flow has been determined.
通过对套筒零件的冲压工艺分析, 确定了冲压工艺流程。
As process requirment, the adjusting valve may be used in adjusting the discharging sludge flow.
Advantages of Producing Trichloroisocyanuric Acid by the New Process of Differential Circle Flow
Draw a flow diagram of the process employed, with a brief description of the operating protocol.
Develop a process flow diagram, showing the capacities of the various stages in barrels per hour.
Study on the Flow Field, Heat Transfer and Solidifying Process in Slag and Ingot of the ESR System
Mathematical Simulation of Molten Steel Flow in Tundish during Casting Strip by Single Roll Process
through the process of excavation and monitoring flow of the letter redundancy value Interest rates.
Numerical Simulation of the Process of Pore Water Infiltration and Pore Gas Flow in Unsaturated Soil
The position of the unsteady flow computation in the compressor and turbine design and analysis process
Abstract In this paper through the analysis of the quill, the stamping process flow has been determined.
Analysis of process flow of gravity separation workshop and its countermeasures for Meishan concentrator
A Process Flow subtype is generally the subtype used to express the parameters or metadata for the flow.
Construction and Process Flow of Thin Slab Continuous Casting and Rolling at Handan Iron and Steel Group Co.
The process flow and conditions of roughening by copper plating for wrought rolled copper foil were introduced.
This article introduces the gathering and transferring process flow of mixing heavy crude with light crude in Liaohe Gaoshen oilfield.
Numerical simulation of three dimensional two phase flow ignition and instantaneous process of flame spreading in high energy particle bed
When the flow behind sluice gates fluent process the apron added the coarseness, its fluent condition to be the open canal turbulent flow.
闸后水流经过加糙的海漫段时, 其水流状态属明渠紊流。
Research on Effects of Deposition Falling with Tranquil Flow of Permeable Pile Dike for Bank Protection and Scouring Process around the Pile Position
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