单词 price relation 例句大全,用单词price relation造句:

Property values fluctuate in relation to the price of electricity and oil.
Fourth, petrol price increase has close relation with the weakening dollar.
其四, 油价的上涨与美元的走弱是紧密相关的。
The commodity price changes in relation to the change in the of supply and demand.
Analysis on Fluctuating Relation Between Cocoon Price and Silkworm Cocoon Production
Exploration on Relation between Price Elasticity of Demand and Slope of Demand Curve
The direct cause of stock price is the relation between supply and demand of stocks.
A devaluation causes the price of one currency to drop in relation to other currencies.
贬值, 是使一种货币对别得货币得比值下跌。
Being a commodity, the price of realty is influenced by the relation of supply and demand.
Study on order receiving measures based on the relation between ship price and initial payment in the context of exchange rate risk.
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