单词 prey on 例句大全,用单词prey on造句:

living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey.
Mrs. Eagle the nest the others on the watch out for predators or prey.
老鹰太太抓着鸟巢飞, 其他人负责观察有没有敌人或是猎物。
Sparrowhawks pounce on their prey by accelerating over short distances.
Marauding punks prey on solitarytravelers for water, food and clothing.
The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.
The chameleon can keep one eye on its prey and the other on its footing.
变色龙可以一眼盯着它的猎物, 另一眼看着它立足的地方。
Then birds of prey came down on the carcasses, but Abram drove them away.
Study on Foraging of Harmonia axyridis ab. Bimaculata to Prey Odour Sources
But as the 79 s prospered,a second parasite evolved that could prey on them.
A giant bat swoops down on its prey and bites, attempting to kill it quickly.
巨人蝙蝠向它的猎物俯冲而下并开始撕咬, 试图立即杀死它。
The chief leaders usually on their own and become prey to feuds and jealousy.
They prey on other invertebrates, which they capture with a unique proboscis.
Simulation of the Effects of Landscape Fragmentation on Amur Tiger's Main Prey
They skim past like boats of papyrus, like eagles swooping down on their prey.
They can take flight on their feathered arms, harrying their prey with their claws.
The big bird carried its prey in its claws. shrikes that impale their prey on thorns.
Skuas are a particular menace around penguins colonies and prey on both eggs and chicks.
贼鸥对企鹅群具有很大的威胁, 它们会捕食企鹅的卵和幼仔。
It can prey on many larvae and otherfarming and forestry pests such as locust, chafer etc.
They are solitary creatures, usually feeding on their own, searching for prey on the river bed.
Effects of prey concentrations on growth and survival of sea perch, Lateolabrax japonicus larvae
The jumping spider locks on to the prey and begins the remarkably sophisticated ritual of capture.
any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion.
The Eagle And the Arrow An eagle was flying in the sky. As soon as it saw a rabbit, it swooped down on its prey.
鹰在天空中飞翔, 当它看见一只野兔时, 就俯冲下来。
The bands of robbers living in the mountain would prey on any traveler foolish enough to wander into their land.
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单词 prey on 释义



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