单词 price down 例句大全,用单词price down造句:

Food subsidies are necessary for keeping down the price of dairy products and bread.
Visiting individual shops and bargaining down the price of each item would take me an afternoon.
As the price of cigarettes continued to increase, most consumers traded down to the VFM segment.
Those membership fees would be used to help drive down the price of items, which would be sold almost at cost.
It is the basic characteristics of price motion to fluctuate up and down continuoutly according to his theory.
The price that just came down except authority commonly you are OK according to numerate of plan of share out bonus.
So many floods have cut down on the production of peanuts; as a result, the price of peanuts has gone up a great deal.
The actual this kind of development is take the basis which digs breaks oneself settles down and gets on with life as the price.
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