单词 procedure design 例句大全,用单词procedure design造句:

In the following design space exploring procedure, this function can a reasonable granularity for the design.
利用拟合函数,就可以适时 科学地调整系统设计的粒度。
The procedure design of the experimental data using the method of weighted averages to deal with Newton's Ring
This article describes the practical procedure of design manufacturing and dressing of worm shaped honing wheel.
In the paper, the theory and procedure is descussed for the amplifier design using cascaded operational amplifier.
The basic design procedure of forming the controller of an electric water heater with a single chipper is analysed.
A new type of combination electrode of spiral bevel gear is developed. The design procedure of the electrode is presented.
研制了螺旋锥齿轮新型组合电极, 提出了设计方法。
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