单词 productive life 例句大全,用单词productive life造句:

He is a productive writer, creating many great works in his life.
Get off that couch and begin the productive life you should be living.
别赖在沙发上了, 做事变得高效一点吧, 那才是应该过的生活。
Be a diligent gardener and cultivate a purposeful, productive and happy life.
做一个辛勤的园丁吧, 耕种自己幸福, 圆满的生活。
Thank Youfor your promise for a long, fruitful, and productive life to Your glory.
Others organize promiscuity, or defraud people of money or property. They are a serious danger to the normal life and productive activities of the people.
或聚众淫乱, 诈骗钱财, 严重危害人民正常的生活和生产秩序。
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