单词 proximate cause 例句大全,用单词proximate cause造句:

On principle of proximate cause
The proximate cause is the recession.
On the Principle of Proximate Cause for Marine Insurance.
The Applications of the Proximate Cause Principle in the wealth Insurance
Application of Proximate Cause Principle in Industrial Injuries Cognizance
Is Batrachochytrium dendrobaidis really the proximate cause of frog decline.
The proximate cause of such an event would probably be another economic shock.
Under a number of statutes, the felony must be a proximate cause of the death.
在很多法律规定下, 该重罪必须是导致死亡的近因。
This is the third cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.
这是第一个原因, 近因和远因, 是强大的地震出现。
This is the eighth cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake..
这是第三个原因, 近因和远因, 是大地震的出现。
This is the seventh cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.
这是第五个原因, 近因和远因, 是大地震的出现。
The proximate cause of the surge in headline inflation is the global rise in commodity prices.
Study on Proximate Cause Theory and Its Application on Analysis of Legal Cause about Collision of Ships in China
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单词 proximate cause 释义

  • 单词释义:近因(保险用语)  [更多..]



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