单词 prosperous city 例句大全,用单词prosperous city造句:

The city at one time must have been prosperous.
The once prosperous city went to rack and ruin.
It was the prosperous capital city of the Shang Dynasty.
He was born in Jiangyin city, Jiangsu province, a prosperous family of the famous.
In order to leave the painful place, he went to Shanghai and lived in that prosperous city.
The city at one time must have been prosperous, for It enjoyed a high level of civilization.
这座古城在一个时期准是很繁荣的, 因为它曾享有高度文明。
In ancient times, the neighborhood outside the city gate was the most prosperous area of this city.
We devoted all our efforts against the fate to get out of the village, but found ourselves banished in the prosperous city.
杭州留下镇历史悠久, 自宋至清, 这里就是繁荣的集镇。
Within the business circle of new city, the development space is wide, and the competition is fierce, taking on a prosperous scene!
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