单词 protein milk 例句大全,用单词protein milk造句:

Small peptides products of feed protein source's influence on milk yield and milk quality
Studies were conducted on manufacture of protein milk from wheat embryo syrup and milk mixtures.
Effect of Different Plant Protein Contents in Milk Replacers on Immune Indexes of Weaned Dairy Caves
Study on the separation process of casein micelle and whey protein of skim milk by membrane technology
Milk proteins are classified into two major types, casein and whey protein, both of which are heterogeneous.
乳蛋白质主要分为两类酪蛋白和乳清蛋白, 它们都是混合物。
Research on Constructing Phylogenetics Trees of Ruminants Basing on the Database of Milk Protein Gene Sequences
The milk protein fabric was also repeatedly washed, and its fuzzing performance was evaluation by projection and count method.
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单词 protein milk 释义

  • 单词释义:高蛋白乳;高蛋白质牛奶  [更多..]



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