单词 publishers 例句大全,用单词publishers造句:

Admittedly, this kind of advice can sound like woolly newage claptrap to newspaper publishers.
下一步是允许, 不, 应该是鼓励读者参与到每一个单独的网页。
Keeping Beneficial for both Publishers and Printers is the Best Choice to Decide Printing Price
The publishers offered their best selling children's stories together in one library for $27.99.
In that battle, Apple has put an offer together that helps publishers and, by extension, authors.
Cultural Anthropology, William A. Haviland, 9th edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1997.
Publishers launch, sustain, promote and develop journals for the benefit of the scholarly community.
出版社开办, 维持, 推广和发展期刊, 以造福学术界。
The entire content of the Multimedia Information System is protected by copyright of the publishers.
Parents are the publishers of this book, the birthday of the publication time, the ID card is the ISBN.
此书父母是出版社, 生日是出版时间, 身份证是书号。
Individual publishers, or businesses with less than 20 employees, should sign up as an Individual account.
The publishers have telescoped the large dictionary into a paperback edition suitable for college students.
Therefore, the booksellers and publishers also made certain contributions to the spreading on Guan Yus stories.
因此, 书商和出版商对关羽故事的传播也有一定的作用。
So, I finally came up with a title that the publishers agreed on and I sent the manuscript to them two days ago.
Enables content creators, publishers and distributors to collect revenue along the content distribution process.
Skoog D A, West D M, Holler F J. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. 7th ed. TexasHarcourt College Publishers, 1994.
Unless the government does so, it will not restrain textbook publishers for it to condemn them in speech and in writing.
A sensible, enthusiastic feature about adventure stories would do a power of good to readership and publishers' advertising.
Samuel H. Preston, Patrick Heuveline and Michel Guillot , Demography Measuring and Modeling Population Processes, Oxford Blackwell Publishers.
曾毅, 人口分析方法与应用, 北京北京大学出版社, 1993

单词 publishers 释义

  • 单词释义:出版者,出版商,出版社( publisher的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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