单词 pull in 例句大全,用单词pull in造句:

A woman doesn't pull a stunt like that Over a man she's not in love with.
And we have to pull it all together. We have composting in all of our schools.
Bedrooms are fitted with alarm pull cords to alert the manager in an emergency.
In addition, in case of emergency can be acetylene torch on the pull down hose.
Use your left hand on your thigh to pull your torso to aid in the twisting action.
Above valve mouth in, pull out, give vent to anger door needle, set free to the limit.
Carefully pull back the access line. The kink should be in the bottom of the burr hole.
In this next clip, notice the angle of the forearm as I begin the final part of my pull.
如果马有一个白色的袜子, 它会被称为阿克比莱克。
Howard again overpowers the Lakers to pull down 19 rebounds in addition to his 19 points.
When the wandering dove returns to the ark, Noah puts out his hand to pull her in unto him.
An acre of trees, planted in a desert, could pull two to three tons of that carbon back down.
如果在沙漠中种植一英亩的树, 就能吸收两到三吨的碳。
Pull the bandanna loop up your arm inside of your shirt, to where the knot is in your armpit.
This greatly aids in reducing resistance during the underwater pull phase of the opposite arm.
They were so deeply absorbed in watching the show on television that they found it hard to pull away.
Guile has the ability to pull off two Blade kick in very quick succesion, providing the first is blocked.
第一斩被挡住, 倍斩能快速获胜。
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单词 pull in 释义

  • 单词释义:吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留  [更多..]



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