单词 pump oil 例句大全,用单词pump oil造句:

Rotatory plunger Anti partial Friction Pump This kind of pump is used in small inclination oil well.
First of all, compressor lubrication oil pump is usually composed of spindle drive of the compressor.
When installing the pump, do not allow the tube cap to contact with the bottom of the oil storage drum.
Oil field water injection pump in accordance with the corrosive medium, using different materials pump.
油田注水泵根据介质得腐蚀性, 泵采用不同得材质。
The welded metal bellows mechanical seal is largely used for the axial seal of hot oil pump in refinery.
A method of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings.
the winch reel releases the rope when a second oil inlet of the bidirectional variable pump feeds liquid
该双向变量马达的第二进油口进液时, 卷扬卷筒放绳
We can say that the screw rod pump of oil production technology has already taken on an entirely new look.
Calculation of dynamic torque acted on external gear pump considering relief groove and trapped oil pressure
Study of the method for calculating the clearance leakage between the plunger and the barrel of oil well pump
The Application of High Voltage Inverter in Pump of Water Works of Dedicated Well of Company in Shengli Oil Field
The organisation of the petroleum exporting countries is under pressure from consuming countries to pump more oil.
If there are great differences, check engine oil channel and pump to see whether leakage or blockage situation exist.
如果差别过大, 检查机油油道和机油泵是否泄漏和堵塞。
The case of recoiler is used as an oil tank, on which the lubrication oil pump is mounted for circulating lubrication.
The paper introduces the theory of return oil cooling mechanism for the dual pump converging hydraulic system of loaders.
The company is specialized in producing precision gantry milling machine and the production of oil pump gear manufacturers.
Analysis on Loss of Pressure in Oil System for Shutdown of Electric Oil Pump During Mediumminiature Steam Turbiue Start up.
Room Experiments of the Effects of Crude Oil Viscosity. Valve Diameter and Pumping Speed on Pump Efficiency of Sucker Rod Pumping System
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