单词 public announcement 例句大全,用单词public announcement造句:

A public announcement a proclamation.
Todays public announcement was a shocker.
Here is their first big public announcement.
这就是第一次 大范围的公告
The announcement took the public by surprise.
Reasonable Position of Public Announcement of Illegal Act
And here's the public service announcement for this project.
Public reaction to the announcement has been one of shock and disbelief.
Proclamations, Something proclaimed, especially an official public announcement.
公告, 宣言宣布的事物, 尤指当众正式公布的通告。
The Suitability of the Principle of Public Announcement in the Change of Right in Rem
浅谈物权变动中公示, 公信原则的适用
This morning, we stuck the bulletin on the factory gates to make the announcement public.
The study on legal systems of public announcements and announcement of company registration
The built improvement on land before the public announcement of the Farmland Readjustment Proposal.
Shell discovered the leak last Wednesday but did not make a public announcement until Friday evening.
Sixty days after the date of the public announcement, the document shall be deemed to have been served.
自发出公告之日起, 经过六十日, 即视为送达。
The public announcement and notice shall stipulate the date of the first convening of the creditors meeting.
To make public announcement of, especially to proclaim the qualities or advantages of so as to increase sales.
做广告为做公开启事, 尤指赞扬的质量或优势以促销
The reasons for service by public announcement and the process gone through shall be recorded in the case files.
公告送达, 应当在案卷中记明原因和经过。
If necessary, the competent authority may revoke any certificate that is still valid at the time by public announcement.
主管机关于必要时, 得公告废止当时仍具效力之凭证。
The securities shall be delivered to subscribers or offerees and a public announcement shall be made prior to the delivery.
Each private institution, employer or enterprise owner makes public the job announcement in accordance with the skills required.
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