单词 puff up 例句大全,用单词puff up造句:

Never let anything puff you up.
Become bloated or swollen or puff up.
变得发胀, 肿胀或膨胀。
To puff up the enemy and lower our morale
The gases may puff up the belly in particular.
That boy puff up himself in front of the girls.
Conceit may puff a man up, but never prop him up.
自负令人膨胀, 却不能使他挺起腰杆。
Conceit may puff a man up, but can never prop him up.
自负使人膨胀, 但从不会支撑他。
You will puff her up with such ideas of her own beauty.
你总是替她鼓吹, 使得她认为自己美丽。
With huge puff the balloon was blown up and then suddenly burst.
猛烈的吹气后, 汽球膨胀起来, 突然又破掉了。
The children are blowing air into their balloons to puff them up.
With a huge puff the balloon was blown up and then suddenly burst.
During the puff phase, the heated heavy oil is pumped up the well.
在产出阶段, 用泵从井中抽出被加热的重油。
Able to expand or be expanded. become bloated or swollen or puff up.
She picked it up and pulled out cork. Whoosh! A puff of smoke appeared.
One after another, each bomb shows up as a little red puff on the screen.
一个接着一个, 每一次爆炸都在屏幕上冒起一小阵红烟。
In the first watch after the twilight, a faint puff of breeze came up out of the south.
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