单词 pulmonary heart 例句大全,用单词pulmonary heart造句:

Contrast Observation on Effects of Acupuncture and Western Medicine on Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease at Acute Aggravating Stage
Treatment of Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension after Open Heart Surgery with Adenosine Triphosphate Infused into the Pulmonary Artery
Objective To analyze the reason for the death of83 patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease and summarize clinical experiences.
Objective To analyze the reason for the death of85 patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease and summarize clinical experiences.
Acute pulmonary embolism models of rabbits were established by injection of autologous blood clots through the right heart catheters.
Clinical Effect of Sodium Ferulate Therapy on Chronic Heart Failure Resulting from Pulmonary Heart Disease and Coronary Heart Disease
Results The incidence,clinical features,ancillary examination,the effect of treatment for pulmonary heart disease caused by tube.
Experimental study of zhenwu decoction combining with suting pill for chronic pulmonary heart disease complicated with cardiac failure.
Relationship between mainefestaion of electrocardiogram and pressure of pulmonary artery in congenital heart disease with left to right shunt
Observation of therapeutic effects of combination of traditonal Chinese medicine with western medicine on pulmonary heart disease acute stage
Application of impedance pneumoplethysmogram and impedance respirogram to investigate pulmonary heart disease correlation with diaphragmatic muscle fatigue
Effects of Chinese Fumigation and Washing Recipe on Heart Function and Lung Function of Edema Syndrome due to Yang Deficiency in Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease
Observation on the therapeutic effect of potassium magnesium aspartate on tuberculosis patients complicated with heart failure of chronic pulmonary heart disease
Acute hemodynamic effect of intravenously infused adenosine in patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to congenital heart disease by Doppler echocardiography
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