单词 pulverized coal 例句大全,用单词pulverized coal造句:

Experimental investigation on explosion pressure of pulverized bituminous coal and its influencing factors in BF injection
A Mathematical Model for the Ignition Regularity and Flame Stability of Pulverized Coal in a Single Pulverized Coal Furnace
It is an important measure to increase the pulverized coal injection to reduce the coke ratio and production cost of hot metal.
Studies concerning online measurement, of pulverized coal flames temperature, have been conducted with a fiberoptic spectrometer.
Discussion on the Dust Collection technological Flowsheet of the Pulverized Coal Preparation System for Injection in Blast Furnace
Application of Wind Speed of Hot Air Feed Pulverized coal Boiler and Coal Concentration Measuring Technology in Thermal Power Plant
This article deals with a new type of pulverized coal burner with a precombustion chamber under development and research in this country.
Research and application of measuring method of pulverized coal concentration in primary air of boilers with exhaust pneumatic convey system
Mathematical modeling and experimental comparison for double channels pulverized coal burner with concentrated and thin phases under thermal conditions
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单词 pulverized coal 释义

  • 单词释义:粉煤,煤粉[末]  [更多..]



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