单词 pump up 例句大全,用单词pump up造句:

Analysis of problems in application and start up of control system of steam turbine for feedwater pump
the electric motor change direction and should revolve a direction up with pump consistently, disallowing inversion.
电动机转向应与泵上旋转方向一致, 不允许倒转。
Analysis on Loss of Pressure in Oil System for Shutdown of Electric Oil Pump During Mediumminiature Steam Turbiue Start up.
And the way it works is that there's a pump at the bottom, which periodically sends some of this liquid nutrient solution up to the top.
系统通过底部的水泵运转 水泵定期将营养液运输到顶部
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单词 pump up 释义

  • 单词释义:唧送;打气;泵送  [更多..]



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