单词 push back 例句大全,用单词push back造句:

Open the back cover and push down the release pin on the back cover to remove.
Put on your favorite pair of fins and push off on your back arms in streamline.
Do you hold back and let others go first, or docharge forward and push through?
Keeping your back straight, push up with your arms until your arms are extended.
He said the foreign investment law is now facing local disapproval, or push back.
But right at the moment of puncture, the tissue can't push back on the tip anymore.
First reassembly step is to push the wipers and foam rings back on to the stanchions.
Push back rack with moveable pallet holder along the rack. Dimensions can be specified.
Push the lamp cord plug back into the dimmer housing until they bottom Plugplugreceptacle.
Use the entire weight of your back leg and hip to push into the outside of your back foot.
Instead you want to push back on your attacker Using your weight of pushing them off balance.
相反你们该向后利用身体重量推开袭击者 宁他们失去平衡。
No problem, madam, Push this blue button, the seat recline button, and lean back at the same time.
Push the shoulder to air for a quicker breath, and rotate the head back down to center prior to the body.
推肩的空气, 呼吸加快, 并旋转头回落到中心前体。
One uses the other side of the body to pull back as he or she rotates to push out the punch or kick simultaneously.
As a result of these changes, we have been able to push finances that were on the verge of collapse back to a safe position.
这些变化的结果是, 濒临崩溃的财政被推回到安全位置。
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单词 push back 释义

  • 单词释义:使撤退,使回到原处  [更多..]



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