单词 pioneering 例句大全,用单词pioneering造句:

Golden cereal developed the information management system with its own intellectual property right, pioneering in the field.
A pioneering referable stratigraphic sequence for Dunhua basin is finally established on the basis of comprehensive analysis.
To practice the brilliant spirit of treble representative depends mainly on pioneering, innovating and moving with the times.
Your pioneering work therefore represents a monumental achievement that truly can be said to confer the greatest benefit to mankind.
University graduates should regard it as their ow n responsibility to engage in pioneering work since this is the trend of the time.
自主创业是时代的潮流, 是大学毕业生义不容辞的责任。
But he admits without millions of dollars more being spent on research, the pioneering, head transplant would be fraught with danger.
As an entrylevel structure pioneering a new design, gunsmiths are only large enough to fashion one cannon design, that of the bombard.
作为制作新式武器的基本场所, 火炮工坊只能建造小型臼炮。
Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull for pioneering contributions to the development of neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter
Combination of Study and Industry, the Connection of Study, Industry, Employment and Pioneering for Exploring the New Approach to Improve the Skills of Vocational Education

单词 pioneering 释义

  • 单词释义:首创的;先驱的;开创性的  [更多..]



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