单词 pipe drill 例句大全,用单词pipe drill造句:

Note The drill pipe can be cleaned and doped after it has been rolled off the catwalk.
The basic principle and the method of oil drill pipe end upsetting process were presented.
The longer the single drill pipe, the lesser the critical compressive force of drill stem.
And returns to the surface in the space between the drill pipe and the wall of the borehole.
In drilling engineering, drill pipe often sticks in salt formation because of wellbore shrinkage.
Thread form and the length of drill pipe can be manufactured in accordance with user requirements.
Practices and Realizations on the Technique of Freeing Drill Pipe Using Negative Pressure Gas Lift
Principle of drill core samples were inserted at the top of the drill pipe from package to package.
How to Judge Whether the Cement Is in Place for Liner Cementing by Combined Drill Pipe Plug in a Ultra Deep Well
Even good party drill pipe. Again, with big hook mention party, put forward with spear pipe hook generous watts.
再连好方钻杆, 用大钩提起方钻杆, 用矛钩提出大方瓦。
Mud This pressure must be under control, and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe.
然而从那以后的每年, 2003年的那封邮件依然流通着。
Piling steel pipe, also known as drill pipe, is transcribed, or strip steel plate riveted through the coil after forming the pipes lead.
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单词 pipe drill 释义



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