单词 receivable account 例句大全,用单词receivable account造句:

Account receivable is not equal to creditor right, it has its special definition and range.
应收账款并不等同于债权, 有其特定的内涵和范围。
Assist the Account Receivable Section in the collection of accounts directly from the debtor.
This article basically launches according to the account receivable collection actual problem.
Average Collection PeriodThe average amount of time required to collect an account receivable.
To write off an account receivable is to reduce the balance of the customer's account to zero.
Talk on the Swollen Symptoms of Enterprise Receivable Account and the Counter Measures of Claim
Confirm the account record with sales department monthly. Control the receivable account bad debts.
每月与销售部做好销售对帐工作, 公司应收款坏帐的控制。
A credit sale is recorded by debiting or charging accounts Receivable and by crediting the Sales account.
赊销记人借项, 或记人应收帐款销售帐的贷项。
Checking and filing report forms of receivable and payable account fund on account collected and payable account in advance
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单词 receivable account 释义

  • 单词释义:应收账款,应收款账户  [更多..]



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