单词 recur to 例句大全,用单词recur to造句:

The army will recur to the use of force.
New energy stocks double recur to bearish tendency
We have to recur to arms for guarding our national dignity.
We must not allow such events to recur anywhere in the world.
an adjustment that causes something to occur or recur in unison.
Ad hoc mergers work for a while, but demands for help tend to recur.
合并会管用一阵子, 但看起来还需要更多的帮助。
Every so many generations, the scars recur leading to deformity or autism.
如此多代每一代, 伤痛复发导致畸形和疯狂。
Cough tends to recur or is accompanied by high fever, rash or persistent headache.
它已被用于咳嗽和发烧, 并具有抗氧化和抗发炎的特性。
The bleeding is more severe than usual and the attacks of pain recur every 7 to 10 minutes.
出血增多了, 而且阵发性腹痛, 每7到10分钟1次。
Patient Not so good. The bleeding is more severe than usual and the attacks of pain recur every 7 to 10 minutes.
患者不太好。出血增多了, 而且阵发性腹痛, 每7到10分钟1次。
It is absolutely necessary for the oppressed people to recur to revolutionary violence if they want to achieve their liberation.
被压迫的人民要得到解放, 使用革命暴力是绝对必要的。
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单词 recur to 释义

  • 单词释义:重新提起,重新浮现在,借助于  [更多..]



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