单词 receipts 例句大全,用单词receipts造句:

The cash sales produce cash receipts in the current period, but the credit sales will not.
It is realized that this description may include transport documents that are receipts only.
Certified receipts can only be issued by warehouses approved by the New York Cotton Exchange.
The Chief Officer refused to sign the Mate's Receipts after loading for no particular reason.
Receipts from cash sales should be supported by sales tickets, cash register tapes, and so on.
We gave customers who had bought the steamed buns from our outlets refunds with their receipts.
It is the responsibility of employees to provide receipts when claiming miscellaneous expenses.
The Confirmation of the Receipts Tax, Sales Tax of the Value Added Tax and Accounting Treatment.
Use the sales journal, the cash receipts journal, and the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.
Cash receipts are treated as business revenues, and cash payments are handled as business expenses.
收到现金记为企业收入, 支付现金记为企业费用。
Though the box-receipts of the film are quite high, the audience does not have a high opinion of it.
The international trade payment is the international cargo business loans receipts and disbursements.
Collection reflects the economic business receipts are the responsibility of the payee and the payer.
Article 42 All account books, receipts and administrative balance herein are exempt from taxes and duties.
第42条本保险之一切帐册 单据及业务收支,均免课税捐。
Raffle ticket sales are not tax deductible. Receipts will only be issued for additional donations enclosed.
Translation of Chinese Receipts and the Differences of Cookery Culture between Ch Englishspeaking Countries
Such claims must be accompanied by original receipts, bills, vouchers, used ticket stubs and boarding passes.
Sometimes if Im running off for a quick weekend, I designate a compartment of my wallet, and throw my receipts in.
有时周末短期旅行时, 我会在钱包里留隔层放收据。
Translation of Chinese Receipts and the Differences of Cookery Culture between Chinese and Englishspeaking Countries
All receipts, except transfers from General Revenue Account, which are credited directly to the Funds. These mainly comprise
At the Myanmar country office, five acknowledgement receipts did not contain the official seals of the implementing partners.
The stipulations about the set period for honoring and entering the receipts and payment into the account book should be announced.
有关兑现, 收付入帐期限的规定应当公布。
Receipts from cocoa, the economys mainstay, which is still being exported through the two main Ivorian ports, continue to fill his coffers.
A record of the victims of typhoon Amber who received aid and receipts signed by them, from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.
Put the links on your page, and if a visitor clicks on the link and buys a CD or book from the retailer you get a cut of the receipts in the mail every month.

单词 receipts 释义

  • 单词释义:(企业、银行等)收到的款,进款;收到( receipt的名词复数 );收入;收据;收条  [更多..]



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