单词 reception desk 例句大全,用单词reception desk造句:

Somebody at the reception desk referred me to the manager's office.
Would you please give the key to the reception desk when you go out?
You need to show it when you collect your key from the reception desk.
Executive Floor Reception Desk and Executive Lounge's business hours ?
On Teaching of Service and Management of Reception Desk and Guest Room
谈前厅, 客房服务与管理课程教学
There is a currency exchange desk next to Reception on the first floor.
Two guests come into the restaurant and go to the reception desk and ask.
We wandered through the elegant and spacious foyer to the reception desk.
The reception desk is not at street level, which is a little disconcerting.
His turn comes eventually, and the girl at the reception desk Beckons to him.
All the guests should register at the reception desk before entering the hall.
Reception desk is generally regarded and recognized as the front line of a Hotel.
In order to find the manager's room, he is approaching the reception desk in the hall.
为了找到经理办公室, 他朝大厅接待处走去。
I registered my arrival at the reception desk, and then sat in a chair in the waiting lobby.
There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means to make trouble.
Reception Service For checkin, please contact with the Reception at the Front Desk in the hotel lobby.
接待服务位于一层大堂总台, 为宾客办理入住登记手续。
Instead I find a single policeman sitting behind a reception desk, feet up on the table, reading a newspaper.
然而我发现有位警察独自坐在接待处, 站在桌子旁读报纸。
The Reception Supervisor is responsible and accountable for all operations in relation to the Front Desk whilst on duty.
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单词 reception desk 释义

  • 单词释义:(旅馆、饭店的)接待处  [更多..]



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