单词 recommend to 例句大全,用单词recommend to造句:

Experts recommend adding a couple pinches of minced fresh parsley to your dishes daily.
End, appreciate very much always to read my to recommend letter in 100 favours, thanks.
最后, 非常感谢杨总在百忙之中阅读我得自荐信, 谢谢。
This is advertising of our affiliate program where you can recommend it to other people.
Chao said their findings should not be construed to recommend heavy alcohol consumption.
In order to increase the performance of binoculars we recommend supplementary telescopes.
Businesses have considerable freedom to advertise and recommend pesticides to the farmer.
To avoid rare allergic reactions, we recommend the use of butyl rubber nitril rubber gloves.
为避免少量的过敏反应, 建议使用丁基或丁晴橡胶手套。
The centre used to recommend a strict vegetarian diet but now uses a more flexible approach.
Once more, let me recommend to your school and assure you of her competence and suitability.
他把钱重数了一遍, 好象为了证实这些钞票是真的。
The General Committee decided to recommend that the item be allocated to the Sixth Committee.
We recommend this order to your particular attention, and await your early advice of shipment.
There is another ultimate syncs and backup service that I would like to recommend here named as
Accordingly, I should like to recommend that the Panels mandate be extended until31 October2002.
I also recommend that you take bilateral simultaneous angiography to look at the distal anatomy.
I have thought it my imperative duty to recommend the bishop not to slight Mr. Harding's claims.
Area to discuss and recommend publications helpful to those in the field of environmental education.
Admission is anxious not to recommend, stock holdings, currency macro news, continue to wait and see.
不建议着急入场, 有股持股, 有币持币, 继续保持观望。
Nor are they allowed to recommend commodities and services to society with the aim of making profits.
The Council may, by special vote, recommend an amendment of this Agreement to the Contracting Parties.
If you would kindly recommend our establishment to your friends, the favor will be greatly appreciated
Hmm, taking a walk on the beach and laying out in the sun are pretty good. I recommend you go to Qingdao or Dalian.
The attorney general reviews the information before deciding whether to recommend a particular pardon to the president.
I would therefore recommend an expansion of the civilian police advisory unit to a total number of eight police advisers.
analyse production, maintenance, and malfunction records to identify problems and recommend solutions that will improve performance.
It is mostly useless to ask others to recommend books that we ourselves would love to read. We have to read various books first, and then choose one or several genres for further reading. But only reading itself has disadvantages. It must be applied to the real world to make books alive.
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