单词 regained 例句大全,用单词regained造句:

In the subsequent peace treaties, the German Protestants regained their influence.
在随后签署的和约中, 日耳曼新教徒重获权势。
I dealt with my stutter until it virtually disappeared and I regained my confidence.
When she had exhausted her lungs, Tabiti steadied herself and regained her composure.
When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.
I nervously stared into space for what seemed like minutes until I regained my composure.
She was unconscious. But she regained consciousness soon after being fed with some Brandy.
她昏迷了, 但喂她些白兰地就很快醒过来了。
The fund could be a source of support available to workers until they regained employment.
这个基金将用来协助被裁退得员工, 直到他们重获工作。
In Dr. Xiao's patients, those that regained bladder function also regained bowel function.
Apart from these, all other successful cases regained protective sensibility and bony union.
Eight of the accession countries only recently regained their independence from the Soviet bloc.
在新加盟的国家中, 有8国最近才从前苏联集团重获独立。
A 65yearold man regained consciousness 19 years after he fell into a coma following an accident.
The amount of mana regained will increase as the Hunter's percentage of mana remaining decreases.
Milton wrote his three major poetical works Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes.
The employers, initially taken by surprise at the pace of developments, regained their second wind.
Malan mountain regained peace and Malan flower blossomed all over the mountains and plains as before.
马兰山重新恢复了安宁, 马兰花漫山遍野地开放。
And after taking some food, he regained his strength. Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus.
Slowly I regained confidence but the experience scared me so much it was three years before I touched alcohol again.
非常缓慢地, 我开始重获信心, 这经历害得我三年不敢沾酒。
An observation of treatment in the patients with glaucoma and with persistent ocular hypotony and regained anterior chamber after filtering surgery

单词 regained 释义

  • 单词释义:复得( regain的过去式和过去分词 );赢回;重回;复至某地  [更多..]



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