单词 replacement time 例句大全,用单词replacement time造句:

Double knee joint replacement at one time
His replacement had not been officially announced at press time.
截至记者发稿时, 公司尚未正式公布其继任者的名字。
His replacement is likely to debut is not much time for Gao Lin.
Hard time followed a set schedule for replacement of some parts.
She gave two weeks. That gives us time to hire and train a replacement.
Press the replacement key of the printer, takes out andin the ink cartridge time.
按打印机更换墨盒键, 移出移入墨盒一次。
Nursing of the patients with bilateral artificial coxa joint replacement at one time
Cutter replacement time can be reduced if this kind of chuck is adopted, and its operation is convenient, quality is reliable.
采用这种夹头可减少换刀时间, 操作简便, 质量可靠。
Those on the train without a ticket, explain the situation in time for the replacement ticket, otherwise a fine will be doubled.
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