单词 remove from 例句大全,用单词remove from造句:

Remove the depth adjustment ring from the motor. It is not used with the plunge base.
When Iname as One is put into a graveyard from play, you may remove it from the game.
当否命合一从场上置入坟墓场时, 你可以将它移出游戏。
Remove the backing from the tape, align the molding and position it on the body panel.
Remove from heat and stir in the coriander leaves, before serving in the lettuce leaves.
Poach the tofu in a pan of simmering water for 1 minutes. Remove from boiling waterdrain.
Paladins RallyCooldown 1 secondGrants you the ability to remove fear from the target ally.
Remove oth end from ea rout and lanch i oiling water for a minute.The remove and drai well.
将豆芽头尾摘除, 放入沸水中汆烫一下, 取出沥干水分备用。
This process is to remove from the drum, electronic image next step business card printing.
这一历程不离是从滚筒上去除电子图像, 绸缪下一步制卡。
Only Administrators and Users should be allowed to remove a computer from a docking station.
Only administrators and users should be able to remove the computer from the docking station.
Add salt, pepper and half of the chopped parsley. Remove from heat and stir in fresh cream.
Poach the tofu in a pan of simmering water for 1 minutes. Remove from boiling water and drain.
Are you sure you want to recursively remove from the project all the files under this folder ?
Remove feeler from shrimp, devein and blanch in boiling water rapidly, then remove immediately.
草虾剪除须足, 挑净泥肠, 用开水快速煮烫过捞出。
Let her remove the adulterous look from her face and the unfaithfulness from between her breasts.
Remove from your desk all papers you are not working on it. This prevents lost or mixed up papers.
Activated carbon, alumina are often used to remove many types of organic materials from aqueous streams.
Heat the milk and the garlic in a saucepan over medium heat until simmering. Remove from heat and set aside
中火将牛奶与碎蒜在锅里煮至热煨, 关火放一边
Remove from the offset printing process fountain solution decreases the surface of the plate cooling effect.
Turn heat up to medium and simmer gently, uncovered, for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly.
Convection air and infrared systems available. Filtered air to remove dust and impurities from entering your product.
Add salt to taste, place mung bean noodle in pan, cook until boil, remove from heat. Sprinkle with shred leek. Serve.
Note do not forget to put the mouse in a timely manner, remove from the snack food, otherwise fine being levied in respect of the will!
注意别忘了把鼠标及时从零食上移开, 否则也会挨罚的!
Remove from heat. Pour into crock and let stand covered for 1 week. Strain through cheesecloth six times. Keeps refrigerated, also freezes very well.
Split the hide from the dewclaws down the leg to the hock and over the rear of the round to a point about 6 inches below the hock and remove the hide from each hind leg.
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单词 remove from 释义

  • 单词释义:从…中移开[拿走, 除掉];将(某人)撤[免]职  [更多..]



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