单词 remain on 例句大全,用单词remain on造句:

But consumers and speculators remain on the sidelines of the swap market.
The heavier boiling fractions remain, in liquid form on the manifold wall.
We remain neutral to slightly underweight on bonds in a portfolio context.
If a carcass falls on any seeds that are to be planted, they remain clean.
若是死的, 有一点掉在要种的子粒上, 子粒仍是洁净。
Regulators should remain focused on risk and capital bigness is a sideshow.
But on second thoughts I considered it better to remain silent on that head.
可是再一想, 我认为这件事还是不说出来好。
You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain composed.
您对怎麽回事是非常敏感的在您附近, 您保留组成。
If our industry is to remain competitive it must mean keeping a lid on prices.
Messages sent to a queue remain on the queue until you explicitly delete them.
Even if rice prices were to plummet, other brakes on poverty alleviation remain.
就算大米价格下滑, 其它阻止导致贫困的因素仍然存在。
And yet aspects of the project remain as mysterious as the island on which it sits.
然而, 项目的前景依然和它所在的岛屿一样神秘。
Still, in the coming decades, both countries will remain heavily dependent on coal.
同时, 它的太阳能也是世界上除美国之外最大的。
Client remain fearful of big decisions of the kind that McKinsey likes to advise on.
A large portion of the affected population will remain dependent on food assistance.
在受战乱影响的居民中, 大部分仍将依靠粮食援助。
Cracking down on drunk driving will remain the ministrys topmost priority this year.
The search is still going on,so tell our comrades to remain down there in the tunnel.
It is possible to scourability on ink makes colors, speed asas possible remain stable.
有不定冲谈油不朱使得颜色变浅, 车速尽不定保留安定。
The securities sold under repo agreements still remain as assets on the balance sheet.
They will not cause a blip on the teachers radar and thus will remain largely ignored.
How many exposures have you got left ?ie How many pictures remain on the camera film ?
Count the seeds that remain on the stem. That is the number of children you will have.
数数留在蒲公英杆上的种子, 那就是你将拥有的孩子的数量。
On dull days the flowers remain closed, revealing their full beauty only in the sunshine.
To keep one's hair on is the same as telling a person to remain calm and not become angry.
The existing auction goods on the sign for the preferential policies will remain the same.
Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars and starches that remain on your teeth after eating.
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单词 remain on 释义

  • 单词释义:继续沿…行进;继续保持  [更多..]



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