单词 remain on 例句大全,用单词remain on造句:

So, we must remain professional, and leave the beer and champagne on the sideboard for now.
Did seminal remain grow to you still can have seminal laboratory test in the time on briefs?
However, longterm data on a programmatic approach to aortic valve implantation remain sparse.
Valve protection caps and valve outlet seals should remain on cylinders not connected for use.
不使用时, 阀门保护帽和阀门排气口密封应保持在钢瓶上。
The residual tool cusp directly transfers to the mold so that its traces remain on the surface.
残余的工具尖顶直接地调动到模子, 以便它的踪影在表面。
No matter what the position or situation on the board, remain calm. Panic routs logical thinking.
不管棋盘的棋势如何, 保持镇静。慌张干扰逻辑思维。
These functions should remain constant in the component and not depend on the client application.
这些函数在组件中应保持不变, 不依赖于客户端应用程序。
Usually six new commemorative issues are released each year and remain on sale for12 months only.
The name of the first astronaut setting his feet on the moon will remain in human history forever.
When allowable laytime has been exceeded ship shall remain on demurrage until completion of loading.
Tides and ocean currents, which remain constant, no effect on the correction for vehicle speed changes.
By placing the clutch on the driven pulley, the pulley can remain spinning even when the car is stopped.
将离合器安装在从动轮上, 即使停车时滑轮也能够连续旋转。
However, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary, we are also reminded of the serious challenges that remain.
不过, 在十周年之际, 我们也看到仍然存在的严重挑战。
As stated in the report of the mission, the positions of the sides on the settlement proposal remain far apart.
The Experiment on the Rice Middle Early Variety Raised and Transplanted Lately and Harrowed with Remain Stubbles
However, new proposals remain under consideration to change the regulation on dividends taxes and capital gains.
The essence of consignment trading is that goods exported on the consignment remain the property to the exporter.
Protracted or frozen conflicts still remain on the continent, representing a threat to common security and stability.
Our policy towards Hong Kong will remain the same for a long time to come,but this will not affect socialism on the mainland.
And he said Anderson must promise not to fire on Confederate forces. If Anderson agreed to this, then Confederate guns would remain silent.
如果安德森同意的话, 那么邦联军也不会向他开火。
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单词 remain on 释义

  • 单词释义:继续沿…行进;继续保持  [更多..]



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