Eg. her pledge to remain faithful to him was his anchor when he was in prison.
You boiled ash boil ashes in the water until only dry black soap salts remain.
Accordingly he was sentenced to remain in confinement for a considerable time.
因此, 他被判决监禁一段相当长的时间。
Mr. Baldwin was, of course, not moved by any ignoble wish to remain in office.
A united Germany must be firmly anchored in NATO if Europe is to remain stable.
Then he turned to the reasons for his decision to remain in Berlin to the last.
Oil should remain excessively volatile as the situation unwinds in North Africa.
But we must remain vigilant in managing the risks that are associated with them.
Actually, it seems that frogs will not remain in a beaker that is slowly heated.
Remain in this peace for a while, then begin with subtle yogic joints movements.
保持这种平和的状态, 然后开始精微的关节活动。
Guests for the Education Seminar to remain in the room for the Breakout Session.
参加教育研讨会分场的来宾留在原来的地方, 继续会议。
The hippo will no doubt remain a force to be reckoned with in the wilds of Africa.
在非洲的野地里, 河马仍会是一股难以对付的力量。
He addressed himself to me that he would no longer remain in his present position.
Detention centres and prisons in Afghanistan remain in a serious state of neglect.
They can also remain raised to form a backrest to support you in a sitting position.
The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.
She was advised by her doctor to remain in the west where she had gone to convalesce
In the name of God he solemnly adjured the young evangelist to remain and labor here.
Many atheists opt to remain in the closet, except perhaps with their closest friends.
The Nepal Army will remain in its barracks with its weapons, ammunition and equipment.
More than likely to go in circles, if only its master and this spellcaster remain aboard.
live to ripe old age in conjugal Bliss remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives.
The only thing one can do with it is to hold it in the arms as it will then remain restful.
只有抱在怀里, 才能平安无事。
In a moment, happy situation is blown by wind popularly like ash, what is those who remain?
霎时, 喜悦之情如灰被风一般地吹走了, 剩下的是什么?
The Pakistan People's Party argues Mr. Musharraf's appointed judges should remain in power.
但是巴基斯坦人民党则认为, 穆沙拉夫任命的法官应当留任。
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