That a blessing may come upon thee from him, and his blessing may remain in the latter end.
Agricultural subsidies in rich nations remain a fundamental obstacle to African development.
In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing.
The distribution and roles of actin in Golgi apparatus of plant cells remain to be determined.
Ability to manage multiple projects, remain flexible and adaptable in a fast paced environment.
Although solar energy and wind energy are abundant, they remain untapped in commercial quantity.
Current assumptions remain that the two ships should enter service in 2012 and 2015 respectively.
We each revel in the assurance that no one will remain ina position higher than us for very long.
我们每个人都笃信, 没有人能长久地高过我们。
The name of the first astronaut setting his feet on the moon will remain in human history forever.
All archeological treasures should remain in the country in which they were originally discovered.
Remain a bit of oil in the same skillet to stir fry the minced garlic and mushrooms until aromatic.
锅底留少许底油, 爆香蒜末和菇丝, 加入三椒丝翻炒片刻。
They remain close, in the zodiac, to the asteroid Chiron, effectively forming a triple conjunction.
他们离的很近, 形成有力的三相会合。
Apocalypse Tanks and King Onis can only be frozen if they remain still while the power is in effect.
This administration can no longer remain in power after its failure in handling the economic crisis.
The growth rates of the African countries remain very low in terms of halving poverty by the year2013.
The growth rates of the African countries remain very low in terms of halving poverty by the year2015.
they always remain flying in the air. you can read the books of madame alexandra david neel about this.
孝感麻糖的创制, 据说与一个馋嘴的糖坊老板娘有关。
Please remain in your seat with your seat belt fas tened until you have been given permission to disembark.
在允许下飞机前, 请坐在座位上, 系好安全带。
Once more think this is a Qing Lian, in the loneliness of the fragrance of its own obligation to remain aloof.
曾, 多想是一朵清莲, 在寂寞的馨香中独自清高。
This clause shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination or expiry of this Agreement.
As stated in the report of the mission, the positions of the sides on the settlement proposal remain far apart.
It is essential that Member States assist and cooperate in the arrest and transfer of accused who remain at large.
The provisions of this Article shall remain in force for the duration of the reform process as determined under Article18.
The provisions of this Article shall remain in force for the duration of the reform process as determined under Article20.
Carbon Isotopic Composition of the Carex Mulieensis Remain of the Hongyuan Peat Bog in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Indian Ocean Summer Monsoon Variation in the Holocean
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