单词 Republic of China 例句大全,用单词Republic of China造句:

The People's Republic of China has complete and exclusive sovereignty over its territorial airspace.
The study of the national history of the People's Republic of China is not a purely academic pursuit.
With the name city of fire, Nanchang had a lot of fire alarms in the period of the Republic of China.
The Anecdote Novels in the Early Age of the Republic of China and Romance and Butterfly Type of Novels
On the Wrong policies of Governments of the Republic of China toward the Abdicated Qing Imperial Family
Regulations for the implementation of the copyright law of the people's Republic of China upon accession.
The Analysis on the Organization Form of Guangdong Bandits'during the Administration of Republic of China
Natural Disasters and Disaster Relief in Huaihe River Basin in Anhui in the Period of the Republic of China
Welcome to this reception in commemoration of the 60 th anniversary of founding People s Republic of China.
The mope of accepting cases is a hot issue in Administrative Litigation Law of the Peoples Republic of China.
Article 18 of interpretation of this Regulation rests with the National Administration ofPeople's Republic of China.
In the early years of the Republic of China, the pay of association of the financial lifeblood in Xinjiang broke off.
I've collected a set of special stamps issued on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
The Controversy About Establishing the Administrative Tribunal in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Earlier Republic of China.
Seeing the Developing Trend of Modernized Famine Administration during the Republic of China from Hunan Relief Work in1934
The People's Republic of China is situated in the eastern part of the Asian continent on the western coast of the Pacific.
Performance Evaluation of New Finance Model in the Agricultural Credit Activities in the Northwest during the Period of the Republic of China
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单词 Republic of China 释义

  • 单词释义:中华民国(1912-1949);民国  [更多..]



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