单词 required time 例句大全,用单词required time造句:

Give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name, loading point and required delivery time.
To extend the time required for construction of a hydroelectric project, and for other purposes.
The time required until occlusion of the venules and the duration of the occlusion were measured.
Time will also be required for democratic governance and human rights to take root in the country.
The time required after energizing a device, before its rated output characteristics begin to apply.
Sometimes the configuration log at the time of validation or migration is required to debug the errors.
Great technological skills are required to construct a gigantic building in such a short period of time.
The grantee shall demolish and remove in time such technological equipment as required by the grant contract.
Monitoring equipment, including that for airspace and territorial waters, would also be required at that time.
Fast maneuver and fast reaction, and arrive at the service place required by the customer in the shortest time.
快速机动, 反应迅速, 在最短时间内到达客户要求服务地点。
Trajectory control logic of space exploration rocket required to arrive given site with zero speed at given time
The product of these values provides a rough estimate of the total time required to effect the entire migration.
The length of time required for such instruments to be negotiated and to enter into force can vary significantly.
The Committee's task would have been greatly facilitated if the required documentation had been made available on time.
The time required for the execution of letters rogatory is the duration of the investigation of the matter in question.
the bandwidth required of a communication channel is proportional to the amount of information transmitted per unit time.
活化效应比例浓度的辅酶, 其饱和度的个人资料。
Antipattern Source files stay checked out of a repository for long periods of time due to the amount of changes required for tasking.
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