单词 resistant variety 例句大全,用单词resistant variety造句:

Fuzzy cluster analysis on cotton variety resistant to pink bollworm
Cold resistant and drought tolerant, the new variety is adaptable to north China.
Resistant to a variety of chemicals and is compatible with most plastics and rubbers.
Application of Insect Chitinase Gene on Improvement of Plant Insect Resistant Variety
Breeding of high quality high yield and drought resistant new millet variety jinshu no
And the diversity of predatory arthropod was higher than that of resistant variety rice.
而各品种之间多样性差异较小, 中抗品种优势度较高。
As for the variety which was resistant to biotype, the proportion of the biotype Bangladesh increased.
在抗生物型的品种中, 孟加拉型所占的比例上升。
Resistant variety breeding remains the most economic and effective approach for controlling rice blast and bacteria leaf blight.
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