单词 right of patent 例句大全,用单词right of patent造句:

Devolution of the right of patent application or the patent right
专利申请权, 专利权的转移
The Regulation on the Abuse of Patent Right in Patent Licensing by Antitrust Law
A case of patent duetus arteriosus associated by absence of right pulmonary artery
The patent right will become effective from the date of authorization proclamation.
The patent right for invention shall take effect as of the date of the announcement.
The Community Plant Variety Right is a form of intellectual property akin to a patent.
Any cessation of the patent right shall Be registered and announced by the Patent Office.
专利权的终止, 由专利局登记和公告。
The patent right for utility model or design shall take effect as of the date of the announcement.
An advertisement should not lie about the patent right of any product that has not factually obtained the patent right.
A patent right can be pledged repeatedly because of its accordance with the economic thought of making full use of everything.
If the applicant does not go through the formalities of registration within the time limit,he or it shall be deemed to have abandoned its or his right to obtain the patent right.
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单词 right of patent 释义

  • 单词释义:专利权,特许权  [更多..]



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