单词 reversed flow 例句大全,用单词reversed flow造句:

They reversed the flow of water.
However, reversed arterial flow is an alternative to such a situation.
然而, 利用逆流性动脉是另一项可以选择的方法。
Determination of Seawater Phosphate in Reversed Flow Injection Analysis
Decoction of Pilose Asiabell Root and Red Ochre for Suppressing Reversed Flow of Qi.
Characteristics and applications of top gap slit flow at reversed tainter valve on lock with high lift
The experimental method of reversed heat flow is often taken when studying on convective heat transfer.
在研究对流换热时, 常采取反向热流的实验方法。
Based on the principle, the phosphor is determined by reversed flow injection gradient dilution method.
Liver Qi Depression and Reversed Flow of Liver Qi are the Initial Syndrome of Liver Uncontrolling Conveyance and Dispersion
肝气郁, 肝气逆是肝失疏泄的始发证候
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