单词 Ridges 例句大全,用单词Ridges造句:

Preliminary Trail Results of A Growing Method of Corn Double Furrows and Ridges Mulched by Plastic Film in Dryland Area
Influence of Sowing on Ridges and Strew Mulching System on Summer Corn Yield and Growth Related Physiological Parameters
Harms and damages ofMassicus raddei were mainly on oaks distributed on upper slopes, ridges and sunny slopes of mountains.
The endothelial cells might participate in the fusion of the outflow tract ridges by endothelialmesenchymal transformation.
China of Guangzhou University is feeble piece of academy and occupation Tec , that one Guangdong south of the Five Ridges regards
广州大学华软软件学院和广东岭南职业技术学院, 那一间好?
The Five Ridges with south the commonnest help advance somebody's career kind of cumquat, fruit is elliptic, pi Tian flesh is acerbity.
五岭以南最常见的栽培种金橘, 果椭圆形, 皮甜肉酸。
The effects on the morphology and advance of isolated barchans on interdune corridor of complex ridges in the central Taklimakan Desert
Effect of Planting Density on the Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Maize with Whole Covering on Double Ridges and Planting in Catchment Furrows

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