单词 scale deposit 例句大全,用单词scale deposit造句:

Scale Deposit Analyzing in a Purifying Station of Nanyang Oilfield
The Formation, Harms and Preventive Measures of Boiler's Scale Deposit
The cleaning technology of scale deposit on water titanium cooler exchanger on marine
The Hetaoping lead zinc deposit in Baoshan is a middle scale of lead and zinc deposit.
保山核桃坪铅 锌矿为一中型铅 锌矿床。
Orbital tuned time scale for loess deposit in Luochuan of central Chinese Loess Plateau
Maoshan gold deposit with middle scale mineralization is situated in east Anhui province.
Scale deposit and scale control is one of important problems in oilfield water injection.
The Scale Deposit Mechanism and Scale Control Program of Oil Well in Zhangtianqu Oilfield
Gaojiapuzi large scale Au Ag polymetallic deposit was recently found which was of a new type.
Diaoquan silver copper ore deposit is a scale subvolcanic type deposit with gold as by product.
Diagnosis about Scale Deposit on Flue Gas Desulfurization System in Lianzhou Thermal Power Plant
The superlarge ore deposit generally means a deposit with a reserve scale up to a superlarge ore deposit.
超大型矿床, 一般指单个矿床中规模达超大型者。
The Nanjing Wuhu basin has developed many pyrite deposits, some of which have reached scale of a large sized deposit.
宁芜盆地产有多处硫铁矿床, 一些已达到大型矿床规模。
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