单词 soup 例句大全,用单词soup造句:

Some slender green onion slices are added just before eating the soup.
The soup that boil must add water, wealthy person gave him a few water.
煮汤得加水吧, 富人给了他一些水。
Your steak comes with a choice of soup or salad. Would you like soup or salad?
Besides soup would hayed money, and above all. Soup would take time to prepare.
The fog was as thick as pea soup. We couldn't see ahead more than several yards.
Again the person comes ahead, changed tea soup and attempted up a fruit treatise.
又有下人上前, 换了茶汤, 奉上果品。
On Sichuan Delicacies That Go with Wine and Soup That Cuts the Influence of Alcohol
Yes, a small ailment is a blessing, and I think I need to drink some herbal soup now.
Therefore, the soup and other light soup before eating in a bowl of moderate drinking.
因此, 对于清淡的汤和其他的汤可以在饭前适量饮用一碗。
Noodles in soup put soup, sauce and dressing into the noodle and it is ready to serve.
汤面做法捞出后, 可直接加入汤, 配料及调料。
more ingredients, concentrated soup, long aftertaste, not greasy after frequent eating.
Have when acid is toxic, feed more alkalescent fast food, wait like soup of milk, bone.
Boil the soup and add mixed vegetables, season with salt. Transfer the soup to the bowl.
鱼汤煮至滚, 加入杂菜粒, 以盐调味, 盛起。
The cheese will slowly melt into the soup, adding a nice flavor and some body to the broth.
干酪慢慢地融化在汤里, 使肉汤色香味俱全。
The delicious flavor can be enhanced immediately when adding a little to the soup and dish.
Spoon to scoop from the inside out, the remaining soup can be set soup gently tilt outward.
勺子舀从内到外, 剩下的汤可以设置汤轻轻向外倾斜。
The original soup is too thick; it would probably taste better if we added some water to it.
Objective Observe clinical curative effect of XuanBi Soup to the acute gout arthritis disease.
The paper discusses the application of yeast extract to flavoured soup and the adding dosages.
Spicy seafood soup The sour and hot soup in season is Both fragrant and delicious to the taste.
We use top quality fresh raw materials meat soup and squid soup which taste specially delicious.
我们采用上等材料制成风味特佳的各种羹类食品, 鲜味可口。
Longan meat and eggs will spend with boiled soup for people, after aftercare effect extremely good.
将龙眼肉与蛋花同煮后喝汤, 对于人流后调养效果极好。
Encouraging children to persuade their friends and families to abstain from the consumption of shark fins soup.
Whole baby lamb on a spit is a favorite; and make sure to try South African chef Jeremiah Leso's butternut soup.
Italian Minestrone Soup with Crispy Bacon Traditional Italian vegetable and pasta soup flavoured with crispy bacon
传统蔬菜汤配腌肉罗宋汤, 奶油磨菇汤

单词 soup 释义

  • 单词释义:汤,羹;浓雾;硝化甘油炸药;困境  [更多..]



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